Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting off Drugs

Getting off Drugs

What is the best way to get off drugs? To me the best way to get off drugs is very simple.. Don't pick  up. If that sounds really simple, it’s because it is. Not drug ever put a pistol in my mouth and made me take it. As a addict that is way too simple of a thought for me. My whole life using was always very complicated in my head. I had a million and a half of excuses locked and loaded, ready to be used whenever I needed a reason to do drugs. That’s because the disease of addiction lives in my head. I cannot out think it. It tells me that I have to get high. That my life cannot continue without it.

If you have come the decision that you have an addiction, the next thing that you should ask is, what are you going to do about it? You most likely have tried many different tactics such as, cutting down on the amount that you use, or using only on particular days. You may have tried switching to another substance have gone for extended periods of times without getting high. But then eventually the addiction came back. Some sort of negative consequence may be hanging over your head like a hearing for DUI or spouses leaving you until you get some help.

Whatever your own personal reasons that make you get to this point or not, something usually is happening to your life that gives you the push that takes you off the edge. This is what's commonly called hitting the bottom. The only real question is how much of the bottom can you take. Hitting the bottom means coming to the conclusion that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, or you are not getting the same enjoyment from the drugs as you used to. You are only eliminating those uncomfortable feeling. You don't feel as good anymore when you're getting high but you feel worse when you're not getting high. If you're using hydrocodone or any other sort of opiate drugs, you have the additional discomfort of the withdrawal symptoms when you quit using.

Unfortunately many people will stay in a situation for a very long time and an addict’s disease brain can talk them into almost anything. If you feel you have no choice but to continue using you most likely to hide behind the denial. An addict will find justification to keep using and block out the painful awareness that the addiction is showing them.

So to me in the end the best way to treat a hydrocodone addiction , or any other addiction is to not use. That is if you haven’t had enough. If you haven’t had enough then there is a life of misery out there waiting for you. The choice in the end is up to you.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Aboout Sad Addiction

My movie is a action drama. It takes place all around the world. It will have 2 main characters suffering with a sad addiction.. Fade in
This story starts out with a young boy playing in a field. His name is Tim. He has a dog by his side. Tim is running through the field with the dog following close behind him. He comes across and bag at the edge of the field. The boy stops for a moment to inspect the bag while the dog sniffs it. He tries to open it but it has a lock on the zipper. The boy leaves it there and runs off to get a wagon because its too big for him to carry. He comes back with the wagon and loads it up and starts walking home. Before he gets close to home he goes off into the woods and covers up the wagon with some branches. He doesn’t want his father to see it and take it away. Tim hears his mom calling for him to eat dinner and he runs back home with the dog following close.
Flash back to a scene in airplane. It is storming and the pilot and co pilot look frantic. There is a man in the bag with a small load of stuff. They are yelling at each other in Spanish. The plane dips back and forth. The man in the back open the side door and air rushes in. He throws a bag out and it falls to the earth.sad addiction
Tim is sitting at the table. His mom is talking to him about her day and asking him about his. Tim really can’t focus on the dinner because he keeps thinking about the bag. The front door opens up and in walks Tim’s sad addiction father John. John is dressed in a really nice black suit. He works for the NSA. He walks up to the kitchen table and hugs his wife. Tim jumps up and hugs his father. You can tell it’s a happy family. John sits down and they all eat together. Maureen the mom ask John how work was. He says it was really busy and mentions some trouble that his department is looking into. She smiles and everyone finishes dinner. As soon as dinner is over Tim runs back outside to play. He looks around to make sure no one is watching and runs to the spot he is hiding the bag. He shakes it and pokes it and it feels metal inside. He checks the lock and thinks how he can open it. He runs back to the house and into the tool shed looking up at the big pair of metal cutters on the wall. Just then his dad comes up behind him startling Tim. John asks him what he’s doing and Tim tells him nothing. John pats him on the head and tells him to wash up and get ready for bed.

Sad Addiction

Have you ever had a sad addiction? Now wait a minute, this might not be what you’re thinking. Most people in the world have suffered from some form of addiction or know someone who has. That may be very sad. To watch someone you love suffering, or going through the pain yourself. That is not what I am talking about today. I’m talking about just straight being addicted to being sad. Get where I’m getting at now?
    We all have had some sort of pain happen in our life. It could be the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing a job, or being disrespected by someone in the world. Normal people go through these moments in life and eventually move on. But as a addict I sometimes choose to dwell on this things. I dwell and linger and turn it over and over in my head. I will make myself so angry or so sad that its hard to enjoy the life around me. This is what resentment is. Resentments will eat me alive. Now having a bit of clean time now I kind of know what I’m doing. I know I need to put positive in and not dwell on these moments. The thing is sometimes I’m addicted to the sadness. A sad addiction is a terrible thing. The disease of addiction loves when I feel this way. It wants me to enjoy my sad addiction. It tells me it feels good. It lets it drive me. I hide it from my sponsor and the people around me. I let it drive me and fill me with pain. There is a way out.
    The best way I have found to deal with my sad addiction is to first call my sponsor. I need to get those thoughts out into the light of day. Sad addiction will die in the light of day. Then I must start working on positive things in my life. Exercise, learning, spending time with friend, and taking care of my personal responsibilities will all help ease my pain. It all depends on how much effort I’m willing to put into not being sad anymore. I will admit that I have let myself be sad for a very long time. As time goes on though, I have learned to not let myself be over powered by these resentments. Resentments will get a addict high again. It has been proven time after time. If you are feeling this way, then give yourself a break. Do something positive in your life today. More about sad addiction here

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hydrocodone Addiction

Hydrocodone is a a opiate with horrible side effects that include mental and physical pains. It is also a usefull pain reliever when used in the proper way. Hydrocodone addiction is best handled with proper detox.under the care of medical proffesionals. It is not the end of the world. Many people all over this country are reported to abuse pills. You must ask yourself if its worth the pain and misery these drugs are causeing you. If you are addicted to hydrocodone reach out for help to family and friends. Or talk to your doctor and find out if there are alternatives.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Learn How To Surrender

Surrender, surrender, and surrender they use to say when I first tried to get off drugs. At the time I knew how to fight, I knew how to struggle, I knew how to try to change a situation thought the pure force of my will. But I didn’t know how to surrender. And sense I didn’t know how to surrender I didn’t know how to get off drugs. Why would I need to surrender you ask? Well it not about being weak. Being weak is staying out on the streets using drugs. Surrender is about taking that first step. Admitting you have a problem and you can’t stop the use of drugs on your own. At the beginning I could easily admit I was a addict. I proved it by my inability to stop using drugs. Without admitting you have a problem, there is way to learn how to get off drugs because you will not admit to the need to get off drugs. Until a addict admits he has a problem it is useless to try to help him or her. It is like banging your head on the wall. Trying to reach a addict and help him get off drugs before they admit they have a problem is impossible in my opinion. We must surrender before we can even ask how to get off drugs, once we stop fighting and trying to do it by our selves, maybe then cans a twelve step program work or a spiritual house. If you are addict out there and don’t know how to get off drugs, I would recommend to give yourself and break and ask for help. Put down that falls pride. Reach out. You have nothing to lose but a life time of pain and misery that can be easily refunded if you can’t get off drugs and go back out In the streets. It will still be there, and people with clean time will be here waiting to help when you get back.Try NA it might save your life

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Methodone and Oxycontin Where Would I Be Today Without You?

Today I thought back to a time before I got off drugs and how life was. Well actually I thought back even farther than that. I thought about how life was when I was a kid before all the drugs and street life. I use to be a shy nervous kid, always afraid about the unknown or what could of been. I had no self esteem and my biggest addiction at the time was fantasy. Talking to fellow addicts I find out that I wasn't the only one who's first addiction was fantasy. In my head was where my addiction was born. I turned to the drugs as the next steep in chasing that fantasy and making in real. I found all the confidence and courage I was missing in drugs (at least I thought I did) At first everything was fun and games, even when I got in trouble. It wasn't until I met Mr oxycontin and Mrs methadone did my world crash around me. Without going into a bunch of details, because every addict has his/her war stories, it wasn't until I spent 3 years with these drugs did I see a need to find help. They started me on the way to my bottom. I was fortunate enough to live through it. A few of my friends didn't. I have done every drug to the extreme , but it was not until I felt the pain of the body and mind for so long till I reached out for help. My life is wonderful right now, and so many doors have opened up for me. But I feel with out the drugs I would never be the man I am today, and without oxycontin I would still be a walking zombie in life, float by from cheap fix to the next. So in a weird way I owe oxycontin a bit of thanks, but above all that I owe my Higher Power the most. Without it I would never of been able to get off drugs.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Addiction- A Disease

When I first got clean I thought the drugs where the problem. Little did I know it was a actual disease. A disease that was making me sick and living in my thinking. It is something in us that makes us uncapable to get off drugs. The funny thing about this disease is that its smarter than me and always knows what I'm thinking. Why? Because it lives in my thinking. It is so smart it tells me that I don't have a disease. That part is called denial. Thats the part that tells me that I don't need to get off drugs. When in the grips of denial we are unable to see the pain we are causing and the harm we are doing to ourselves. Denial will minimize our using so we won't see the need to get off drugs. It will tell us that it wasn't as bad as we thought even though our whole world is crashing around us. The disease will having us lying and the denial will have us believing our own lies. The only thing that could break us from this fantasy is the pain from hitting the bottom. Thats the glorios time in a addicts life when that moment of clarity. Its the only thing strong enough to wipe the denial from the eyes and show us the need to get off drugs.

Here are some questions you amy ask yourself
  • Have I felt addiction working in my life today?
  • Do I blame others for the things I do?
  • Do I think I'm not strong enough to do this alone?
If you have felt or thought any of these questions, do not worry, you are not alone. There are people out there that can help. Contact your local church or give yourself a break and contact Theres people out there to help that have been exactly where you are.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do I need to get off drugs?

The inability to not be able to get off drugs is often measured not by ‘how much’ of a substance you use, but by the effect it has on you.
Normally, if you have three or more of the following – this is a sign you are dependent on booze/drugs:
•    An intense need or ‘compulsion’ for it
•    Difficulty in stopping once you’ve started
•    Getting ‘withdrawal’ effects when you get off drugs
•    Needing more and more of it to get the same effect
•    Losing interest in other things in your life
•    Keeping going with your habit, in spite of the damage it’s doing
In the end the decision to get off drugs ultimately falls in the addicts hands. We all must take that personal decision. For some the choice to get off drugs can come from one bad night on the town. For others it takes prison or being on the brink of death to get off drugs. There are some questions a addict can ask themselves if they are wondering if they need to get off drugs. Is the use of drugs causing unmanageability in your life? Have you tried to get off drugs many times but still have failed? Am I happy with the way my life is using drugs? Does my family keep telling me I need to get off drugs? These are questions we must ask ourselves. If we really want help there are recourses out there we can use. We can find help in Narcotics Anonymous or our family church. Most addicts know when they have had enough, but no one can tell us when the time to get off drugs is. Even though we have been sentenced to prison time, in hospital beds and make our families disown us. That is the nature of addiction. We are not bad people, just sick people. But we can find a better life in recovery after we get off drugs and start a new life. If you are reading this article, and you can relate to any of these signs, maybe you are a addict.  Don’t worry, you can get off drugs and be a productive member of society. Admitting you are a addict is the first step to getting help. If the desire is there, anyone can break the bounds of addiction and start a life they couldn’t believe once they get off drugs.

Get Off Drugs

All around the world there are people trying to get off drugs. When caught in the grip of addiction the idea may seem impossible. Before I tried to get off drugs I didn't believe it was possible to enjoy life without some sort of drug to get me through the day. All my attempts to get off drugs always seemed to fail, until I had used up all my resources to fuel my addiction. I had to lose everything. I was in and out of jail looking at prison time for my drug use. I had burned all my bridges with friends and relatives who had tried to help me get off drugs. When I had nowhere else to go and no one else to use, I became willing to do what it took to get off drugs and stay clean. My first step was checking myself into a rehab. Now a rehab can help in the short term to get off drugs, but it is up to the addict to apply what they learn. A rehab is a great way to put 28 or more days together off the street and clean from the use of drugs. Rehab is not a school to learn how to moderate drug use though or graduate from perfectly cured. That is a false belief many addicts have before they go into their first rehab trying to get off drugs. It helps start you out with the tools needed to stay off drugs when you leave. Here are some steps I took while I was in rehab to help me get off drugs and stay off drugs.

1. Stay away from people telling "war stories", that is people that sit around talking about how life is on the street. In treatment we are trying to move forward to a better life free of drugs, not looking back on the "good times" we thought we were having.
2. Get to know people that come to visit. Treatment is a great place to meet other addicts that know how to get off drugs and stay off drugs living a clean and sober life. Don't be shy and ask for phone numbers. We weren't shy on the street looking for our fix, so why be shy now that we are trying to get clean.
3. Read, read, read, read. The only way we can keep the negative stuff out of our brain is replace it with some positive. Our addiction lives in our thoughts, and it doesn't want us to get off drugs. By reading our spiritual literature and recovery text we keep the bad out.

Treatment is the first step to getting clean, but it can also be done in prison, jails, or institutions. Whatever you do to stay away from the places you used and get your head clean will greatly improve your chances to get off drugs.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Get Off Drugs

Welcome to Get off Drugs. This site provides suggestion based on personal experience on how to get of drugs and break the chains of addiction. There is a life without drugs waiting for any addict to live. All we have to do is get out of the way. Fell free to email