Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Learn How To Surrender

Surrender, surrender, and surrender they use to say when I first tried to get off drugs. At the time I knew how to fight, I knew how to struggle, I knew how to try to change a situation thought the pure force of my will. But I didn’t know how to surrender. And sense I didn’t know how to surrender I didn’t know how to get off drugs. Why would I need to surrender you ask? Well it not about being weak. Being weak is staying out on the streets using drugs. Surrender is about taking that first step. Admitting you have a problem and you can’t stop the use of drugs on your own. At the beginning I could easily admit I was a addict. I proved it by my inability to stop using drugs. Without admitting you have a problem, there is way to learn how to get off drugs because you will not admit to the need to get off drugs. Until a addict admits he has a problem it is useless to try to help him or her. It is like banging your head on the wall. Trying to reach a addict and help him get off drugs before they admit they have a problem is impossible in my opinion. We must surrender before we can even ask how to get off drugs, once we stop fighting and trying to do it by our selves, maybe then cans a twelve step program work or a spiritual house. If you are addict out there and don’t know how to get off drugs, I would recommend to give yourself and break and ask for help. Put down that falls pride. Reach out. You have nothing to lose but a life time of pain and misery that can be easily refunded if you can’t get off drugs and go back out In the streets. It will still be there, and people with clean time will be here waiting to help when you get back.Try NA it might save your life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post.I been wondering how to get off drugs